The last few years, 2008 - 2012, were more than challenging to most real estate agents. The industry went through the toughest period in 70 years. Agents that survived it worked harder and spent more on marketing in their brokers name just to stay afloat. And how were they rewarded? They weren't! Instead of brokers holding a meeting and saying "Hey folks, the worst is over and we'll finally see a good increase in business. You worked really hard in the last few years and to reward you I'm not bringing on any new people so that you can enjoy the big upturn. It's only fair since you were so loyal and worked so hard."
Brokers are slapping their long time producers in the face, as they always do, by keeping that "Now Interviewing" banner waiving out front. After painful years of hard work there is no reward. This industry has long reminded me of the old Roman Coliseum where the broker (Emperor) sits on his or her perch and brings in more and more agents (the Gladiators) to let everyone, even the loyalist, fight for survival.
Traditional real estate is an awful way of life. Open your mind and see how it's different at Help-U-Sell.