Daniel J. (Dan) Desmond, Broker of Help-U-Sell Bay Beach Realty presents:
Everything You Need to Know About Selling Your Home in Ocean County in 2015.
Thursday, March 26, 6:30 pm
- Captains Inn at the end of Lacey Road in Forked River
This informative event will not be your typical 'buy with me – sell with me' real estate seminar. We will give you valuable information that will help you put more money into your pocket when you sell.
We will be dissecting the real estate business, taking the gloves off and sharing secrets that the industry does not want you to know, including:
to marketing in an electronic world.
The ONLY two things that cause a house to sell.
roles that listing brokers and selling brokers play in the process.
unfairness of the common commission system.
your commissions are split among up to 8 persons.
real estate 'Teams' are costing you money.
brokers waste your money to justify bloated fees.
to save money selling your home
. Why you can't count on your legislators or the NJ Real Estate Commission to protect you. YOU MUST PROTECT YOURSELF AND WE WILL SHOW YOU WHY AND HOW!!
Complimentary full dinner will be served if pre-registered. (2 per household).
Register at www.DanDesmond.com starting March 16th. Scroll to the Seminar button.
Thursday, March 26, 6:30 pm - Captains Inn at the end of Lacey Road in Forked River
*While this seminar is for the public real estate brokers and staff are invited to attend on a space available basis for $25 per person. All others are free.